Thursday 21 February 2013

3:15 Nightmares


Shaena often got bored on weekends. She used to do something with Luis, and there was usually a toddler or two around, but now Luis had a girlfriend, he was never home until curfew, and today all three triplets were asleep. Kaity was her favorite cousin to play with, because she could talk a lot better than the others and so they could have conversations and she could understand the rules more.

"RAAA-" Shaena stopped her roaring as her aunt entered the room looking angry.
"For God's sake, Shaena! Do you know how hard it is to get all three of them asleep so we can get some peace and quiet?" Taylor didn't like telling anyone off, but she was so tired since she went back to work. Madison did most of the night-feeds, but sometimes struggled and had to get Taylor up.
"Sorry, aunt Taylor." Shaena hung her head, partly to show that she really was sorry, partly because the foam dinosaur head was quite heavy. "I'm just bored and I thought maybe Kaity would play with me." Taylor sighed and looked at the top of the dinosaur head.
"Well, if you can play alone for one more hour, I'll get her up and then you can play with her." Shaena looked up.
"And you too?"
"Ok." Taylor smiled and breathed a laugh. "And me too."



Taylor ran up the stairs, and burst into the nursary to find Kaity in hysterics in her crib, while Rose and Jake just looked shocked and sleepy.
"What is it, baby?" Taylor scooped up the crying infant and held her close. The screams she'd heard were not the screams of a child who was hungry or dirty, they were of someone who was terrified. She looked to her other two children as she held Kaity. They seemed a little shocked about the way they were woken up still, but were both now sitting happily in their cribs. Rose had got a toy from nowhere - she had a habit of doing that, while Jake was just sat there, enjoying being alone.
"Nightmare." Kaity replied through her sobs. "Shaena." Taylor took this to mean she wanted to play with Shaena, and so called down the stairs to her while she dressed her daughter.

Shaena rushed up the stairs, and Taylor watched the two girls playing, wondering what to do about Kaity and her nightmares. This wasn't the first one she'd had, and although she knew it was common for young children to have bad dreams, she'd never heard of toddlers waking up with blood-curdling screams. Maybe Kaity should see a doctor about this. For now, though, she'd see if she could find out what they were about.

She took a seat on the floor with the girls, and turned Kaity to face her.
"What was your dream about, Kaity?"
Kaity gave no response, but instead turned her head to watch Shaena and the dragon toy. Taylor put her hand on Kaity's tiny shoulder, making her turn to look at her again.
"Kait, what was your dream about?" She asked again. Kaity once again turned to look to Shaena again. Taylor decided she didn't want to talk about it so soon, and so instead let the girls play.


"So, I've got a lot of potions for you today, hopefully you can sell them all! I'd like to thank you for doing this, too. You have no idea how much this has helped."
"It's no problem! Your potions sell really well, and these will sell even better tonight. It's a full moon, and people always splash out on a potion or two for the occasion." Madison laughed at the idea of people celebrating the full moon. Her whole life had been spent avoiding going outside for the night. Maybe that should change? Nothing too bad had happened out there in a while.

Meanwhile, Shaena and Luis were working on their homework together. Luis was helping Shaena, but she couldn't really help him with his. She'd be attending high school soon, and needed Luis' help to get her grades up.
"Lou..." Shaena trailed off.
"Shae." Luis stated, without even looking up from his homework. Shaena put down her pencil and took a deep breath.
"Have you ever seen Dad's grave?"
"Nope." Luis continued his homework, unphased by his little sisters questions.
"Shall we ask Mummy if we can go tonight?"
"Can do." Luis was barely paying attention anymore, otherwise he would have realised he just sort of agreed to go to a graveyard on a full moon with his little sister and his mother. He already had plans with Layla, but he'd let his sister down later.

It was just before sunset by the time Shaena had finished her homework, eaten her dinner and had a shower. She decided she still had time before bed to go to the graveyard, and found Madison changing Kaity.
"Mummy! Can we go see where Daddy's buried tonight please?" Madison was a little shocked by the sudden request.
"Uhm, yeah, I suppose we could do. Let me just finish up with the toddlers and let Taylor know." Shaena grinned and threw her arms around her mother.
"Thank you Mummy! I'll go tell aunt Taylor now!" She ran from the room and down the stairs, as she did the moon rose.

"Well, Kaity. I'm going out now but Mummy is here for you." Madison placed the toddler on the floor, and as she went to pull back Kaity grabbed a handful of her hair. "Ow, Kaity, let go please."
"Don't go." Kaity whispered. "Go tomorrow." She let go of Madison's hair, allowing her to stand up.


  1. Oh no! Did Kaity just have a precognitive dream? I'm going to be on edge about what's going to happen until the next chapter now...

    1. Well, that all depends on whether Madison listens to her or not, doesn't it?
      It was definately some kind of sight, whether it was a definate future, or just possible, is yet to be revealed. She may not be able to use her witch powers like Rose, but she's definately got some kind of powers.

      I'll try not to keep you on edge too long, I'll hopefully get another chapter out at the weekend, I've got half the shots for it already, it's just whether I get time to go get the rest.
      (I was laughing like an evil bitch when I was writing this up, lol)

  2. What does that child know? And why don't we know it? When will we know it? Good heavens! Shaena crying and some dude in the cemetery with Madi on the ground! O.O

    1. So many questions!!
      Well, Kaity clearly knows something, or something that might happen if Madi decides to take her kids out anyway. She has full speech (she's a genius), so she could technically explain it really well, but I'm fairly sure having dreams like that at such a young age (or any age) is terrifying, so we may never know it. Unless, of course, Madison, Luis and Shaena go to the cemetary...

  3. Ooooooooh!


  4. Ahem. *gathers self*

    Also, love the ominous shot of the full moon at the end.

    1. Haha, I feel pretty evil, tbh.
      Well, something obviously bad is going on in Kaity's dream. Thing is, she had no sound to her dream, just images, so we don't know exactly what's happening. Maybe they're just dancing?
      Let's just hope Madison listens to Kaity...

      I love that shot too! It is, unfortunately, moon-set, not moonrise, but I didn't think about it until too late, and then figured nobody would notice as they didn't know which way my house was facing.
      I shouldn't have told you, then nobody would ever know :p

  5. Oh no... NO WTH?

    I'm biting my nails. Kaity is psychic a little it looks like. Or a lot.

    Nobody listens to children...

    1. Some people listen to children.

      If Madi has any sense, she will. She should be able to work out from the fact that Kaity's parents are a powerful witch and a pretty strong fairy, that Kaity could well know something. Kaity has the means to tell her too, maybe she'll explain now that Shaena isn't sitting next to her and Madi will listen?

      Or, maybe Madi just thinks she's being clingy and tells Taylor to keep an eye on her. And then takes her children to the grave and that creepy man appears and the dream comes true.

      Aren't I insightful? ;)

    2. Insightful, maybe. Tease, also maybe. :P

      The nobody listens to children thing I suddenly had go through my head for the book series A Series Of Unfortunate Events. Never read em, but the movie was okay, and that's a line I remember from the movie.

      Sometimes, Madi doesn't have sense. Well, everyone's like that I guess.

      I believe more the clingy theory.

    3. Teehee :)

      I've not read it, or seen the movie, so have no idea what you're on about lol.

      Hmm, well, I'm hoping to have the next chapter out yesterday. I know, it's late. I can't seem to save my game anymore, and it seems pointless putting up the next chapter if I can't save. Mainly because it includes birthdays, so don't want them all to look different.

  6. Hrm, odd dreams Kaity had! Didn't look very pleasant, either :-/ And on the day of the full moon, no less. Full moons doesn't usually seem to bode well for this family!

    1. HAHAA lol, no. I have this fasination with full moons since supernatural came out. It's a full moon here tonight (is it bad that I don't know if it's a full moon all over the world?) and I feel like crouching in the park opposite my house and howling :p

      I'm in the process of getting the next chapter done. Just need a few more screenies, which I could have got today if I'd been able to save. Oh well, should be up in the next day or so :)

  7. Oh, while her dream was certainly scary (please don't let them go) it also makes me excited about Kaity. I love psychic stories. :)

  8. Those dreams are horrible for that poor baby! That must be her power, being able to see the future.

    I so hope that nothing awful happens to her aunt and her cousins. I hope that Madison listens and waits to go the grave the following night!
